Join our Clean Water Week of Giving happening Dec 13-17 in Connecticut! Each day represents one of our 5 main campaigns for the upcoming year: ending forever chemicals like PFAS, stopping air pollution from the Hartford incinerator, promoting clean energy, making homes more energy efficient, and getting rid of single-use plastics. We have a year-end goal of raising $5,000 towards these campaigns in honor of our 50th birthday and the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act. Will you help us meet our goal?
DAY 1 - PFAS: Time to Turn Off the Tap
You know one of our top priorities is protecting water! That is why we’re focused on PFAS chemicals and need your help to “turn off the tap!” PFAS chemicals, also known as forever chemicals, don’t break down. They build up in our bodies and once they get into water, air and soil, they build up in the food chain, are taken up by plants, contaminate drinking water sources as well as rivers and streams. These toxic chemicals are linked to certain cancers, thyroid disorders, ulcerative colitis, impaired immune function and other diseases.
Many products are made with PFAS to make them grease resistant, water repellant, anti-stick and stain resistant. But now that we know these chemicals leach out of the products, pollute our bodies and our environment, we are demanding that companies use safe materials and that Connecticut “turns off the tap” on allowing the sale of any unessential products that contain PFAS.
We had a big win this year passing a nationally recognized law to ban PFAS in firefighting foam and food packaging. But we must do more. Can we count on you? We need $1000 to help us launch our “turn off the tap” campaign in 2022. Let’s win again to turn off the tap of these toxic chemicals. Help us reach our goal.
DAY 2 - Reducing Toxic Air Pollution
Did you know that the American Lung Association’s annual State of the Air report gave every Connecticut county a grade of F for air quality? Some of this is from air pollution that blows in from the south and Midwest but a lot of it comes from us through incineration of our trash, transportation and fossil fuels used to heat and cool buildings.
Clean Water Action is thrilled that after decades, the aging incinerator in Hartford will be shut down in 2022. This incinerator has burned trash from over 60 Connecticut towns for years and the residents of Hartford and surrounding communities deal have some of the greatest health impacts including very high rates of asthma.
In 2022, we’ll work on all fronts, campaigning to reduce harmful emissions that pollute the air. Policies that reduce energy consumption, reduce waste that needs to be landfilled or burned, pushing for strict emission standards for trucks and electrifying our transportation system are all needed to clean the air and mitigate climate change.
Can we count on you? We want to raise $1000 to help us gear up to win on several of these policy initiatives in 2022. Let’s make sure we no longer get a failing grade! Make a special gift today.
DAY 3 - Promoting Clean, Renewable Energy
According to the latest IPCC report, we’re in a code red for humanity. The U.N. Secretary General stated that we are at a tipping point and many impacts of climate change are becoming irreversible. We simply must shift to clean, renewable sources of energy fast. This year, we’ve vigorously opposed the plan to build another 650-megawatt fracked gas plant in Killingly. We’ve written letters, met with legislators, the Governor and his agency staff, advocated at the Capitol, wrote op-eds and mobilized awareness across the state. On November 5th, we learned that New England’s regional grid operator, ISO New England, may no longer need the power generated by the new plant—a major blow to the company trying to build the plant. This is very good news but we’re not stopping until the company pulls the plug and decides to back out of CT for good.
In 2022, we’ll push to advance legislation that blocks new fracked gas and fossil fuel infrastructure and puts CT on a path to 100% clean electricity by 2040. We must turn the code red situation around. We can do it with your help.
DAY 4: Supporting Energy Justice
Did you know that energy use in buildings including our homes accounts for almost 30% of carbon emissions? Weatherizing homes is one of the most effective ways to reduce energy use and carbon emissions which also saves money and promotes health. It’s a win-win! But, many CT residents that live in low income or communities of color often live in homes that are leaky, drafty and inefficient. In fact, these residents often pay a much higher percentage for their energy bills than people in more affluent communities. This energy injustice is harmful to those residents and to everyone.
In 2022, we’re excited to partner with local groups in Waterbury to educate residents in several target communities about the low or no-cost programs available to help weatherize their homes. By working with local grassroots leaders, we’ll assist with outreach, education and help residents get signed for a home energy audit and assure that weatherization services are completed. Not only will this make a big difference to families in Waterbury but it will help reduce carbon emissions, promote social justice and address the Code Red!
Our goal of raising $1000.00 right now, puts us on a path to develop critical education and marketing materials so that we can hit the ground running! Can you help? Make your year end contribution today.
DAY 5: Reducing Plastic Pollution
Did you know plastics are made from fossil fuels? Not only is plastic made from fossil fuels but many toxic chemicals are added to make plastic useful, like BPA, PVC and numerous others. The fossil fuel industry is investing billions to make more plastic and grow their profits. Yet plastic pollution is everywhere. Only about 9% of plastic is actually recycled and its production, use and disposal contributes significantly to carbon emissions and toxic chemicals entering our bodies, our waters and the environment.
You’ve all seen the horrible pictures of wildlife choking on plastic, whales washing up dead with stomachs filled with tons of plastic and beaches and the ocean floor in the most remote areas on the planet littered with plastic. We simply can’t recycle our way out of this problem.
Clean Water Action’s ReThink Disposable program works with restaurants, schools and businesses to shift back to reusable food service ware and eliminate plastic. In 2022, we want to launch this program in targeted CT schools. Doing so can prevent exposure to toxic chemicals like BPA and PFAS, significantly reduce waste and costs, reduce the amount of trash going to incinerators and often saves money.
Interested in helping us launch our campaign to reduce plastic pollution and ReThink Disposable in Schools? Donate today. Help us reach our goal of $1000 to be ready in 2022.
Thank you in advance for your support!