Water is Treasure – and so is our global community
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Community Participation in Groundwater Sustainability: The City of Weed
Angelina Cook is an environmental activist based in Siskiyou county. She advocates for including the City of Weed in the Shasta Valley Groundwater Sustainability Plan and working to protect the city’s groundwater from expanded pumping by private bottling companies. Clean Water Action's
Trump’s polluter handout threatens your right to clean water – comment by April 15th!
On April 10th, Trump issued an Executive Order that limits states’ ability to protect their own water resources from harmful pipelines and other dirty energy projects.
Community Participation in Groundwater Sustainability: The Borrego Valley
Imagine over 600,000 acres of wilderness. You are surrounded by blue sky, mountains, rock formations and a cornucopia of plants including creosote, palo verde, cacti, and ocotillo. As you walk around, you have the opportunity to see bighorn sheep, mountain lions, kit foxes, mule deer, coyotes
Organizing For Community Safety in Lost Hills, California
Last month, the Comité Lost Hills En Accion, a group of community members that I work with to advocate for public health and community wellbeing measures in Lost Hills, invited representatives from Caltrans to do a presentation on the expansion of Highway 46. Highway 46, which runs through the Lost
Let's Unpack That: Coffee
The United States contains 5% of the world’s population, yet consumes about a quarter of the planet’s resources. Much of this consumption stems from our “throw away” lifestyle, whereby many products are used once and then thrown away. This started in the 1950s, when the plastics and chemical
The Dirty Water Rule would mean more oil and gas wastewater in rivers and streams.
For decades, oil and gas industry growth has been enabled by slashing protections for water. Some of the most common forms of oil and gas production benefit from federal loopholes and policies that remove water protections in order to streamline