Season 3 - Episode 1: Celebrating Black History Month with Rev. Vernon K. Walker. In recognition of Black History Month, we are featuring the stories of Black leaders in the environmental movement. Today, we chat with Reverend Vernon K. Walker, MA Climate Justice Program Director at Clean Water Action. Reverend Walker has over a decade of social justice organizing experience in the Boston area with a focus on the intersections of racial and climate justice. Rev. Walker currently is a graduate student at Tufts University pursuing a Master's in Public Policy degree with a focus on environmental justice. He is an alumnus of Boston University where he earned his first master degree in Theological Studies.
Episode 26: Black Leaders in the Clean Water Movement. Clean water is a human right - not a privilege. We are excited to feature Black leaders in the Clean Water movement in honor of Black History Month! Hear from two incredible environmental leaders: Kjia Rivers, Policy Advocate at Community Water Center and Ngodoo Atume, Water Policy Analyst at Clean Water Action. Both are doing innovative and impactful work in the field of groundwater and nitrate management, while ensuring Environmental Justice communities most impacted have a voice and seat at the decision-making table.
Episode 20: Black History Month - The Environmental Justice Movement with Vernice Miller Travis - February 21, 2022
In recognition of Black History Month, we are featuring the stories of Black leaders in the environmental movement. Today, we chat with Vernice Miller Travis, the Executive Vice President for Environmental and Social Justice at Metropolitan Group and Vice Chair of Clean Water Action’s Board. Vernice is the co-founder of WeACT for Environmental Justice, and a national environmental justice champion who lifts the voices of those most impacted by environmental harm.