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Board of Directors

Clean Water Action Board of Directors, Vice Chair

Clean Water Fund Board of Directors


Bowie, MD

In 1988, Vernice co-founded West Harlem Environmental Action, a leading community-based environmental justice and advocacy organization. In 1986-87, she was a research assistant at the United Church of Christ Commission for Racial Justice where she helped to write the landmark report Toxic Waste and Race in the United States. She served for 7 years on the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council to U.S. EPA, and for 11 years as Vice-chair and one and a half years as Acting Chair of the Maryland Commission on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities. Vernice was a Program Officer at the Ford Foundation and Executive Director of the Environmental Support Center and Groundwork USA.  Since Nov. 2019, Vernice has served as Executive Vice President for Environmental and Social Justice at Metropolitan Group, a Social Change and Strategic Communications Agency.

Clean Water 50 Stories: Vernice Miller-Travis

In honor of Clean Water Action's 50th birthday, we’re sharing our history and stories of the people who have helped us protect clean water along the way through #CleanWater50Stories. We’re thrilled to highlight the story of Vernice Miller-Travis, an environmental justice champion and vice chair of Clean Water Action's board.
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