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As a result of implementing ReThink Disposable’s recommendations, Shish Grill reduced the use of disposable foodware items targeted for reduction or elimination by an average of 82%, preventing 73,559 disposable foodware items from operations every year. Shish Grill earned an ongoing annual cost savings of $974 and reduced annual waste by 350 pounds!

Business Profile:

Shish Grill is located in San Ramon, California and is owned by Nancy Annan. Shish Grill is a casual Mediterranean / Lebanese restaurant that serves amazing falafel, hummus, chicken shawarma wraps, kabobs and gyros. Much of their business is made up of business people who are seeking out a good lunch. They also have a strong catering presence in the area.

Packaging practices prior to ReThink Disposable:

  • Dine-in customers served on a mix of reusable and disposable foodware like a reusable plate with reusable utensils, but disposable side sauce cups for items like hummus
  • Disposable Styrofoam cups offered for water and soda with lids and straws at a self-serve station
  • Bulk condiments available at each table
  • To-go orders placed in Styrofoam or plastic clamshells and bags with items like disposable utensils at a self-serve station
  • Customers bussed their own tables and placed the reusable items in a bus tub above the garbage can

Recommendations Implemented:

  • Replaced Styrofoam cups and plastic lids with reusable cups for water and soda
  • Reusable sauce cups used in place of disposable ones
  • Made wrapped straws and disposable to-go items by request only
  • Signs were installed to remind customers to not throw away the sauce cups and utensils

Styrofoam cups for water were eliminated. Plastic sauce cups, soda and water cup lids, and wrapped straws were drastically reduced by implementing a reusable sauce cup and beverage cup for customers who dine onsite. A sign was placed on the trash can to remind customers to return their reusables for washing into the bus tubs. Nancy Annan spent $79.84 to  purchase 36 reusable plastic cups and 60 reusable sauce cups to implement the recommended best management practices.

Before & After
Shish Grill before - styrofoam cups, plastic sauce cup
Shish Grill after - reusable cups
Business Information:

1061 Market Pl. A1
San Ramon, CA 94583
United States

The Bottom Line


in annual savings

350 pounds

of waste reduced annually


disposable items reduced per year

First of all, your dishes are going to look a lot better, more presentable and more on the upscale side. And you’re going to save a lot of money. No one hates to do that. You work hard for your money, so saving will go a long way. Third of all, I mean, you’re going green, help the environment as well.

Nancy Annan, Owner
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ReThink Disposable - Stop waste before it starts

Reducing Single-Use Food Packaging

ReThink Disposable works with local governments, businesses and institutions, and consumers of single use food packaging to inspire a cultural shift away from single-use "throwaway" lifestyle.

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