Clean Water Fund California, in collaboration with Comite Lost Hills En Accion, is excited to announce the launch of our new website!
The community members of Lost Hills has fought for years to have control over their air quality. All that fighting has paid off in the form of a grant from the California Air Resource Board (CARB). This grant gives them the ability and access to collect and analyze their own air quality over an extended period of time, and develop their own local emissions reduction plan (L-CERP). These plans are vital for community safety and health. Individuals are able to track their own air quality in real time, giving them the ability to adjust accordingly.
For the past several months, we have been working with the community on the development of their L-CERP, which needs to be completed by March of 2026. Part of that work has included creating a space to keep project information and air quality data in a way that the people of Lost Hills can easily access and navigate.
This website will be used as an information hub for the local community. On it, they can sign up for regular email updates, find video and note summaries of all of our planning meetings, and even check up on the air quality of their local neighborhood. We’ve also included a way to communicate with us directly and made the site accessible to the primarily Spanish-speaking community of Lost Hills. This website is a huge step in communities taking knowledge and power into their own hands and shaping their future.
Come check it out for yourself over on comitelosthills.org.