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Publications by Clean Water Fund

Clean Water Action/Clean Water Fund Comments on EPA Proposed Drinking Water Regulations for PFAS Chemicals, May 2023

Read public comment submitted by Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund to EPA in response to the first ever proposed national standards for regulating PFAS chemicals in drinking water.

Letter to EPA: 93 organizations urge finalizing strongest possible coal plant wastewater treatment standards

Coal plants have gotten a free pass to dump millions of pounds of toxic metals, nutrients, chlorides, bromide, and other pollutants into our nation’s waters for over 40 years. t is long past time these power plants treat all of their wastewater using modern and effective pollution control technologies, as required by the Clean Water Act. It is long past time these power plants treat all of their wastewater using modern and effective pollution control technologies, as required by the Clean Water Act.

PFAS: Coping with California's "Forever Chemicals" Crisis

California has a major PFAS crisis impacting the environment and public health: virtually all Californians have PFAS in their bodies, and the chemicals have been detected in at least 146 public water systems serving 16 million people.

Factsheet: Support Limits on PFAS Chemicals in Drinking Water

EPA is proposing enforceable Safe Drinking Water Act limits on the two oldest PFAS chemicals, and also considering an innovative approach to the problem of the thousands of other PFAS chemicals, some of which are also being found in drinking water. EPA needs to hear that you support strong drinking water limits and further action to get these toxic chemicals out of our environment.

Plomo y el Agua Potable

Para proteger la salud pública, debemos reducir la exposición al plomo en el grifo de agua potable.

Factsheet: Lead and Drinking Water (English & Spanish)

To protect public health, we must reduce lead exposure at the drinking water tap. Clean Water is working for improvements in the Safe Drinking Water Act Lead and Copper Rule, supporting communities and water systems in accelerating full replacement of lead service lines through our work with the Lead Service Line Collaborative, and ensuring that funding for water infrastructure is allocated adequately and spent equitably and effectively.