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Clean Water Action works in Michigan to protect the Great Lakes and all the waters in-between, from groundwater to the water tap. We empower people to take action to protect the health of Michigan's waters, our communities, our environment, and our democracy.

Support Clean Water in Michigan

Line 5: A Timeline of a Ticking Bomb

Line 5 has already released over 1 million gallons, and crossing over two of the Great Lakes the aging pipeline is a disaster waiting to happen. Click to read a timeline of major Line 5 events, from construction nearly 70 years ago to present day.
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Coming Together For Equitable Public Power

A number of communities are taking action to explore what it would take to break from investor-owned utilities who are failing to meet community reliability, sustainability, and affordability expectations and instead form a new public power utilities. Over two years and across multiple states, the Public Power Project collaboration explored the perspective of campaigners, public officials, staff of existing municipal power utilities, and communities already served by public power. Through landscape analysis, interviews, and focus groups this report shares insights gained about how public power, in its incumbent and emergent forms, can be equitable, just, and democratic.
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Clean Energy in Michigan

Fighting for a clean energy future in Michigan, to protect our health, reinvest in our communities, and reduce climate-changing pollution.

Protecting The Great Lakes and Michigan's Water

Michigan is the Great Lakes State, surrounded by 21% of all accessible fresh surface water on Earth. Clean Water Action works to protect our freshwater seas and the waters that lead to them now and for future generations.

State Offices:

909 Abbot Rd.
East Lansing, MI 48823
United States

564 S. Main St
Suite 200
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
United States