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Imagine a Day without Water

The Human Right to Water, which has been California Law since 2012, says that “every human being has the right to safe, clean, affordable, and accessible water adequate for human consumption, cooking, and sanitary purposes.” Imagine a day without water – and support our fight to ensure that every Californian has access.

A Summer Summary: My Minnesota Clean Water Internship

After interning at Clean Water Action, I have been able to learn so much and improve my understanding of how our organization works and fits in as a larger piece of the nonprofit world. By educating yourself about the surrounding community, inspiring care in not only you but those around you, can go the distance to make sure we are able to elevate everyone.

Study Shows Vulnerable CA Communities Left Behind in Groundwater Sustainability Planning

For the past three years, Clean Water Action has played a leading role in assessing how groundwater sustainability plans submitted to the state of California are considering and protecting vulnerable communities dependent on groundwater as their source of drinking water. Key findings show that 63% of domestic users across the state are not protected by current sustainability plans.