María Belén Power is an environmental justice powerhouse, from the grassroots to the State House. She currently serves as the Undersecretary of Environmental Justice and Equity for the Healey-Driscoll Administration. Join us in honoring her on May 23rd!
Recycling some items can take a little bit more work than just putting mixed paper on the curb, but it’s worth it to protect our communities from the pollution caused by landfills and incinerators! Here's how to keep 5 banned items off of the curb.
Neighbors and organizers with Salem Alliance for the Environment (SAFE) are collaborating with Clean Water and leading the efforts to make sure that the emerging offshore wind industry brings good, union jobs and a healthy tax base back to Salem’s diverse community.
In our work at Clean Water Action we throw around a lot of statistics and chemical names which, if you’re not used to hearing them, all sound pretty much like “ethyl-methyl-bad-stuff.” Sometimes that’s really all you need to know: “there’s something bad there – stay away.”
But one group of
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